swiss environment & energy Swiss

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This database includes high potential projects and companies in the environment and energy sectors based and working primarily in Switzerland, founded or active since 2000 and still operational. The maturity phase ranges from initial concept (formation or validation) up to those that are trying to capture a larger market space (growth and then established). Discover the companies by using the search filters. Sort the list by clicking on the arrows next to founding year, canton and phase. If your innovation is missing, please add your project here .

Company Name Founding year Canton Phase Areas of Activity [Subareas] Technology
Solarbalkon (Direct Coffee) 2016
[ Electricity, Energy Production ] Photovoltaics
Fight climate change from your balcony with a super-light solar panel that can be plugged into the socket.
Distran 2013
Environment, sustainability & hazard prevention management [ Natural hazards & catastrophe prevention & protection, Resource efficiency ] Acoustic materials & technologies e.g. noise, vibration mitigation, Measuring & monitoring e.g. environemental data
Distran is a spin-off from the Autonomous System Lab, ETH Zurich, developing advanced acoustic sensors for industrial applications. Distran's goal is to reduce risks for industrial workers and the environmental impact of the industry through the use of sound sensing and technology.
dizmo 2013
[ Building technology, Construction of buildings, Information technology ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals, IT Software
Dizmo, The Interface of Things, is a software platform for fast integration and interactive use of data, services and processes. With dizmo as workspace, otherwise complex tasks of data management become simple and technology is rendered humanly intuitive. Gartner calls this new digitally connected world “Integration Platform as a Service” (iPaaS).
DM-Green 2017
[ Waste & recycling ] Low technology
We are a company specialized in the marketing and distribution of innovative solutions in the fields of recovery, sorting and recycling of waste, such as presses, interior and exterior containers or automated sorting robots. Our desire is to optimize resources in a sustainable and responsible manner, as well as reducing waste and CO2 emissions.
dokspot 2014
[ Information technology ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
Dokspot allows manufacturers to manage and distribute their product instructions online. Our platform provides instructions at the right time, for the right product, in the right language, and in the right version. We enable manufacturers to reduce their CO₂ footprint, simplify their operations, and increase their profit margins, all the while making life easier for the end-user.
drivemycar 2020
[ Mobility & Fleet management ] Fleet management
The innovative automated Swiss Vehicle Sharing Platform for P2P, B2B and B2C for private and companies.
droople 2018
[ Water Management ] Internet of Things, IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals, Measuring & monitoring e.g. environemental data
We provide businesses with retrofit solution to efficiently manage their fleet of water-driven assets and buildings.
DSPlus 2003
restructuring, on hold, no development
Environment, sustainability & hazard prevention management [ Electricity efficiency ] Enabling technologies, Lighting
DSPlus designs, develops and markets electronic light dimmers that integrate into public lighting systems. Thus contributes to reducing energy consumption and light pollution. DSPlus is a Swiss high-tech company, founded in 2004 as a spin-off of HES-SO Valais.
Dufour Aerospace 2017
[ Airplanes & transport ] Drone & flight
Dufour Aerospace develops efficient and sustainable aircraft for patient and passenger transport, logistics and public safety. It uses distributed electric propulsion and a hybrid module to be able to meet today's helicopter market and Advanced Air Mobility requirements.
EATbyalex 2018
[ Food production & retail, Healthcare, Recreation ] Low technology
We empower people to clean eating with weekly ready-to-eat meal plans. There is no need to plan, cook or shop, all our freshly prepared and balanced meals are delivered to you once a day. We only use organic and whole food ingredients.
eaternity 2014
Finance, Insurance, IT or Data Analysis [ Food production & retail ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
Eaternity has developed innovative software for private and professional use. It is based on an easy to understand and yearly reviewed live cycle analysis (LCA-database. This is currently the largest and most comprehensive database for carrying out environmental calculations for menus. With Eaternity, we offer everyone the opportunity to make a sustainable choice when selecting their everyday food.
eCarUp 2017
[ Service pooling ] e-car, e-mobility, e-vehicle charging, Smartcity
With our solution, we maximise returns from under-utilised charging stations for electric cars at offices, hotels, retail centres or apartment complexes – and transform payments with our intuitive app.
ECCO2 Solutions 2019
[ Energy efficiency, Information technology ] Enabling technologies, Smart device
We make buildings intelligent to save CO2. With AI, predictive heating control and high-precision energy measurement. Smart sensors in your building provide millions of data points for our AI to “learn” your building and systematically adapt the heating path: Automated data analysis will allow you to better understand your portfolio’s energy performance and monitor and document your CO2-reduction plan.
[ Waste & recycling ] Acoustic materials & technologies e.g. noise, vibration mitigation, New chemical materials
We provide high-performance acoustic absorbers for offices, retail, restaurants, hotels, gyms, pools etc. to improve speech intelligibility, wellbeing, concentration and performance.
ecovolta (ecocoach) 2020
Energy production & distribution & storage (incl.tool production) [ Energy storage ] Battery, e-mobility
The Swiss ecovolta produces customised high-capacity battery systems and e-mobility solutions. The company’s patented design enables the fully automated series production of high-current capable batteries which do not need active cooling. Battery and drive solutions are developed and tested in the in-house research and development area.
ecocoach (ecoenergy systems) 2018
Energy usage, efficiency & prosumption [ Electricity efficiency, Energy efficiency, Energy storage, Energy sufficiency, Environmental monitoring ] Battery, e-mobility, Photovoltaics, Smartgrid, Smarthome & building
App for smart home automation managing PV, heating, security and other devices. Battery development and modification. Participation: Digtial Energy and Building technology combined. A unique Swiss system that uses renewable energies to reduce emissions and costs, provide comfort and simplify property management. For all types of buildings. Flexibly expanded at any time. Safe, easy to install and open to technology.
La Corde à Linge 2018
[ Bodycare ] Low technology, Material & Products based on biomass
Prendre soin de son linge, de sa peau & de l'environnement avec les lessives locales, sans colorant, ni conservateur & biodégradables de LA CORDE À LINGE.
ecoRobotix 2011
[ Farming & agriculture ] agricultural technologies, Automated or self driving, Measuring & monitoring e.g. environemental data, Photovoltaics
ecorobotix develops, produces and sells innovative farming machines that require low energy and that reduce the negative ecological impact of modern agriculture, while keeping costs competitive.
Ecosapin 2012
[ Forestry ] Low technology
EcoSapin delivers a Christmas tree in a pot for Christmas. After the end of the year holidays, the professionals of the company come to recover the tree which is then brought back to nature or the tree nursery.
Ecospeed 2002
Environment, sustainability & hazard prevention management [ Energy efficiency, Resource efficiency ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
ECOSPEED provides web-based software solutions and consulting services for the energy and climate accounting of public authorities, companies and private individuals. Since 2002 they develop Software programs for energy balance, energy efficiency, and energy use.
Edison 2019
[ Information technology ] IT network, Wind energy
Management and engineering consultancy, in particular in the area of project management, contract management, operational excellence, sales, patents, product certification, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, as well as research and development of new products and processes mainly in the power industry and in renewable and marine renewable energy industry.
e-Durable 2016
[ Information technology ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
e-Durable is the leading IT service provider in French-speaking Switzerland which places Sustainable Development at the heart of its activities.
EH Group Engineering 2017
Climate technologies & mitigation & CO2-reduction [ Electricity, Energy management solutions, Energy storage, Engineering ] Hydrogen technology and fuel cells, Storage other than batteries
Develops a new fuels cell and is an engineering and consulting firm based in Switzerland. We offer a unique strategic, technical and business consulting service in the area of energy with a focus on fuel cells, system management, engineering, prototype development and the application of various methodologies such as Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) and Design for Excellence (DfX).d
ElectricFeel 2012
[ Information technology, Service pooling ] Communication, e-mobility, Enabling technologies, IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
The leading technology for your shared micromobility service ElectricFeel provides the most intelligent platform available to build, run and scale shared electric mobility systems in the urban habitat; ElectricFeel's Platform is a full solution for any shared electric mobility service (End-user Application, Management Software, Analytics Portal)
Electrojoule 2017
[ Construction of buildings, Energy efficiency, Engineering, Heating and cooling energy ] Geothermal energy, Heating in buildings, Renewable technologies, Smarthome & building
We plan, install and maintain sofisticated renewable heating and cooling systems für mid-sized buildings, all out of one hand, including continuous optimization.
E-Man 2018
[ Construction of infrastructure (roads, bridges ..), Electricity efficiency, Energy sufficiency, Engineering ] Battery, e-mobility, Smart device, Smartgrid, Smarthome & building
Consulting, sale of HW and SW for Energy Metering (Smart Meter, electric, heat, cold, water, gas) for whole house of area (micro grid). Taking the whole system in operation and optionally also doing maintenance and prepare Energy invoice for all tenants.
Embion Technologies 2019
[ Food production & retail ] Bio technologies, New chemical materials
EMBION catalyzes the future of #nutrition by introducing a portfolio of sophisticated, complex EMBION-BIOACTIVES with expanded prebiotic properties. EMBION innovates with brilliant #plant-based technologies that customize unique nutrition in exceptional speed and are surprisingly affordable.
Embotech 2013
Energy production & distribution & storage (incl.tool production),Transport & Mobility [ Energy efficiency, Engineering ] Enabling technologies, IT Software, Sensors
Embotech is a leading developer of cutting-edge decision-making software. Our embeddable software empowers autonomous systems to make decisions by solving complex optimization problems in milliseconds, bringing significant improvements in safety, productivity and energy efficiency.
eMonitor 2014
[ Construction of buildings, Information technology ] IT data usage, IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
Digitise rental processes simply and efficiently. We make your letting process simple and efficient and help you to find the right tenant for your flat. Our comprehensive data supports you in developing the right projects at the right location.
Enairys Powertech 2008
Energy usage, efficiency & prosumption,Natural resources, Material efficiency or Recycling & Waste Management [ Electricity, Electricity efficiency ] Battery, Grid: Efficient power transmission or distribution, Renewable technologies
Enairys offers a wide range of innovative and clean energy storage & management solutions, based on its proprietary hydro-pneumatic and power electronic technologies. These solutions enhance the exploitation of intermittent renewable sources like wind and solar sources, and enable electricity consumers and producers to improve their energy efficiency or autonomy while preserving the environment.
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