swiss environment & energy Swiss

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This database includes high potential projects and companies in the environment and energy sectors based and working primarily in Switzerland, founded or active since 2000 and still operational. The maturity phase ranges from initial concept (formation or validation) up to those that are trying to capture a larger market space (growth and then established). Discover the companies by using the search filters. Sort the list by clicking on the arrows next to founding year, canton and phase. If your innovation is missing, please add your project here .

Company Name Founding year Canton Phase Areas of Activity [Subareas] Technology
Vir2sense 2016
Energy usage, efficiency & prosumption [ Energy efficiency, Information technology, Resource efficiency ] e-mobility, IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals, Smart device
Vir2sense GmbH provides ready to use, optimized fast combustion and emission models for internal combustion engine calibration, continuous emissions monitoring and real-time control. The virtual sensors have been used successfully in automotive, heavy duty, power generation and ship propulsion applications.
v-locker 2019
[ Construction of infrastructure (roads, bridges ..), Road vehicles and transport ] e-bike
V-Locker is a very compact, automatic parking and storage system that allows e-bikes and bicycles to be parked on the smallest possible space requirements.
Vuna 2016
Environment, sustainability & hazard prevention management [ Building technology, Engineering, Farming & agriculture, Gardening, Resource efficiency, Waste & recycling, Water Management ] Biomass based energy (biofuels, biogas ..), Filters & Membranes
VUNA designs & implements specialised sanitation systems to: - recover nutrients & water - save water - avoid costly sewers Participation: VUNA designs & implements specialised sanitation systems to:- recover nutrients & water- save water - avoid costly sewers
Prana Sustainable Water (W2AREX) 2012
[ Service pooling, Waste & recycling, Water Management ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
The WasteWater Reuse and Energy Exchange (W2AREX ©) is a platform designed to commoditise wastewater treatment capacities and matching offers and demands of treated wastewater with wastewater supplies. It boost circular economy by proactively matching the following needs: @ B2B buyers of treated wastewater @ B2B sellers of treated wastewater for future deliveries @ C2B suppliers of wastewater for future deliveries of wastewater including inputs easy to treat to get shared profits of its transformation into water, energy, fertilizers, bio-cements, fertilizers.
WattAnyWhere 2021
[ Energy Production ] Biomass based energy (biofuels, biogas ..), Hydrogen technology and fuel cells
WattAnyWhere supplies BioEnergy to ultra fast charger operators, anywhere, within a month.
Wattz 2020
[ Electricity efficiency, Energy efficiency, Energy management solutions, Information technology ] IT data usage, IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
Business-as-a-Service Plattform based on end-to-end digital energy procurement and delivery process.
WEPOT 2020
[ Farming & agriculture, Resource sufficiency, Water Management ] Unknown
The plant fixes its roots around the pot and, thanks to the natural porosity of the clay, it drinks as needed. This avoids any water stress, the development of weeds but above all a saving of 50% to 70% water!
Yasai 2020
[ Farming & agriculture, Food production & retail, Resource efficiency, Waste & recycling ] agricultural technologies, Bio technologies, IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals, Waste recovery, recycling and re-use
Yasai offers Farming as a Service with Vertical Farms based on circular economy within Smart Cities
YORD 2021
Climate technologies & mitigation & CO2-reduction,Construction & buildings [ Energy efficiency, Heating and cooling energy ] IT blockchain or algorithms
YORD reduces your heating consumption by up to 40%, while increasing your comfort. YORD is a Swiss solution that can be adapted to any type of building and heating system.
Zevvy (EVG-Zentrum) 2017
Natural resources, Material efficiency or Recycling & Waste Management [ Energy efficiency ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
Supports the development of ZEVS and community solar projects and runs the software Zevvy to help customers with the billing of solar power systems and other energy systems.
zoë circular building 2017
[ Construction of buildings, Resource efficiency, Resource sufficiency ]
Building with natural, untreated and local materials: healthy, sustainable and affordable.
2nd Peak 2020
[ clothes, Functional clothes ]
2nd Peak buys and sells second-hand, high-quality outdoor clothing. As good as new - only cheaper and more sustainable. 2nd Peak kauft und verkauft gebrauchte, hochwertige Outdoorbekleidung. So gut wie neu – nur günstiger und nachhaltiger.
4QT 2020
[ Energy storage ] Battery
4QT produces high power electricity drives specifically for the heavy equipment industry. Through those drives producers of heavy polluters like excavators and dozers can begin to electrify their fleets with a reduction of environmental fines and improvement of their unit cost in mind. By implementing no rare-earth permanent magnets in their motor it is not only cheaper in unit economics in scale but also recyclable by design.
carvelo2go (ACADEMIE MOBILITE) 2007
[ Mobility & Fleet management, Transport & logistics of goods ] e-mobility, IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
Carvelo2go offers an online sharing platform where you can rent different eCargo bikes via their app or website. The bikes can be rented on an hourly basis and can be picked up from as well as brought back to various hosts.
adultimum 2015
Industrial process & manufacture (technology usefull for many areas) Construction: Resource or material optimisation
Adultimum develops technically sophisticated carbon components. The precise design enables lightweight construction under static and dynamic loads - even for complex structures. Design and function go hand in hand: the components impress with high series fidelity and brilliant surfaces.
ting (Agentur für Weiterentwicklung) 2019
IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
Ting builds collective wealth with monthly contributions that are available to all members as a temporary income. We share money, invest in people, create time, advocate for opportunity, and shape the future.
Agilery 2021
[ Food production & retail ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
Agilery helps manufacturing food products in small to medium scale quantities for quick launches in a fully collaborative model through a network of partners. it therefor helps to speed up the innovation process and the market introduction and testing of new producs.
aikemy 2020
[ Environmental monitoring, Farming & agriculture, Food production & retail ] Sensors, Water pollution abatement
The World's Smallest Nutrient Composition Analyzer. Our technology uses novel accurate portable NIR sensors, AI, and digital intelligence for animal nutrition. The application tracks the data on feed cost savings and sustainability indicators.
Aleph-Insight 2021
[ air quality ] Physical & chemical & nano technologies
Aleph Insight uses photochemistry to clean the air in livestock buildings, with a patented cutting-edge technology, that is very energy efficient.
Almer Technologies 2021
Communication, Media, Education or Games [ Engineering, Information technology ] Enabling technologies, Wearable devices or apps
Almer is the first company to provide both hardware and software as a service. By developing compact and lightweight Augmented Reality glasses, we deliver efficient technology for frontline workers with excellent image quality and specialized remote assistance software.
Amazentis 2007
[ Healthcare ] Bio technologies
Amazentis is an innovative life science company dedicated to employing breakthrough research and clinical science to bring advanced therapeutic nutrition products to life. Our most advanced product targets the reversal of age-related muscle decline by improving the activity of mitochondria – the “powerhouse of the cell” – to optimize muscle function.
Aquafuture 2014
[ Farming & agriculture ] agricultural technologies
At Aquafuture, we support family farms in establishing a new branch of aquaculture operations. Aemme Shrimp is our pilot farm
Aquazoom 2015
[ Biodiversity and ecosystem protection, Electricity ] Hydro energy
AquaZoom removes barriers to fish migration while producing power - economically restoring rivers everywhere. We strive for electricity production in complete harmony with nature. Therefore, we grew to leading pioneers in micro hydropower and aim to share our patented water vortex technology worldwide.

Arrhenius AG operates a negative emission technology to mitigate global growing and burying microalgae.
Atome 2018
[ Construction of buildings ] Construction: Resource or material optimisation
Atome's know-how is based on a unique concept combining modularity and green energy production. Our patented wood-frame module allows us to adapt to any kind of request, from industrial buildings to single-family homes and building elevations.
Authena 2018
[ Information technology ] Internet of Things, IT blockchain or algorithms
For a more connected, transparent, authentic world: Authena provides Powerful plug-and-play technology to identify, track, and authenticate individual products via IoT and blockchain.
Babylat 2020
[ Healthcare ] Bio technologies, Physical & chemical & nano technologies
Babylat Enricher device is a first automated, small-scale tabletop device for protein enrichment of human milk. The proteins are extracted from human milk and after extraction this concentrated protein fraction is added to human milk to increase its protein value without any health risks.
Primal Bee Systems (BeeHelpful) 2017
[ Biodiversity and ecosystem protection, Farming & agriculture ] agricultural technologies
Beehelpful has developed a new patented class of hives (Primalbee) that improve the health of bees, increase pollination capacity and reduce the chemical treatment of hives.
Biosimo 2022
Environment, sustainability & hazard prevention management Physical & chemical & nano technologies
We are a chemical engineering start-up aiming to develop and operate processes to produce bio-based platform chemicals. Our customers are chemical, industrial and consumer goods producers looking for ways to manufacture their products without using oil-based materials. With our bio-based chemicals, every-day products like textiles, glues, and films can become greener without changing design, supply chain, or market price.
Bottle+ 2022
Food, Farming or Forestry [ Resource efficiency ] Physical & chemical & nano technologies
Bottle+ launches the reusable water bottle that allows you to make sparkling water anytime, anywhere - designed in Switzerland and completely plastic-free.
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