swiss environment & energy Swiss

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This database includes high potential projects and companies in the environment and energy sectors based and working primarily in Switzerland, founded or active since 2000 and still operational. The maturity phase ranges from initial concept (formation or validation) up to those that are trying to capture a larger market space (growth and then established). Discover the companies by using the search filters. Sort the list by clicking on the arrows next to founding year, canton and phase. If your innovation is missing, please add your project here .

Company Name Founding year Canton Phase Areas of Activity [Subareas] Technology
Clemap 2017
[ Electricity ] Smarthome & building
Energy monitoring and disaggregation sensor for housholdes. Disaggregation service for electricity providers. The products helps to use electric tools more efficiently.
ClimateRe 2015
Natural resources, Material efficiency or Recycling & Waste Management Low technology
ClimateRe promotes and facilitates innovative risk management approaches and develops appropriate insurance solutions to strengthen the resilience of climate-vulnerable communities.
Climeworks 2009
[ climate carbon removal ] Climate technologies
Climeworks develops, builds and operates direct air capture machines. With our technology we capture carbon dioxide directly from the air. The air-captured carbon dioxide can either be recycled and used as a raw material, or completely removed from the air by safely storing it. Our machines consist of modular CO₂ collectors that can be stacked to build machines of any size. Climeworks direct air capture machines are powered solely by renewable energy or energy-from-waste.
Codingmind AG 2020
[ Building technology ] IT Software
Coding Mind AG develops and programs solutions for a more efficient, resource-saving and customer-friendly marketing of real estate. --- In addition to SAM - the world's first inspection robot for the real estate industry, Coding Mind also offers products such as REMOTELY360°, which adds new functions to existing 360° tours, exploiting the full potential for digital inspections in a scalable way.
Correntics 2021
Climate technologies & mitigation & CO2-reduction [ ESG Reporting ]
With our data-driven approach and a deep understanding of risk, we help our clients to future-proof their supply chains and improve their resilience in the face of climate change and emerging risks while ensuring the sustainability of business activities.
Decentlab GmbH 2008
Climate technologies & mitigation & CO2-reduction,Construction & buildings,Food, Farming or Forestry,Industrial process & manufacture (technology usefull for many areas),Natural resources, Material efficiency or Recycling & Waste Management [ air quality, Building technology, Energy efficiency, Environmental monitoring, Farming & agriculture, Water Management ] Enabling technologies
Decentlab GmbH has developed a measurement and monitoring system that delivers data to the computer without cabling. Data on the condition of bridges or trees, for example. Participation: Decentlab is a Swiss company providing wireless sensor devices and services for distributed, cost-effective monitoring solutions. The sensor devices communicate wirelessly over LoRaWAN® and are designed for ultra low power consumption, capable of operating on batteries for several years. The devices are built for industrial applications and are ready to be deployed in any harsh indoor or outdoor environment. The service framework provides convenient access to measurement data and enables seaml
Futuricum (Designwerk Products) 2017
[ Mobility & Fleet management, Road vehicles and transport ] Battery, e-cargo, e-vehicle charging
electric trucks are a solution not an alternative. Performance, ecology and economy combined.
Designwerk Technologies 2009
[ Engineering, Information technology ] e-car, e-mobility, e-vehicle charging
Designwerk sells charging stations (mobile and fix) and specialized in the development of electric vehicle and truck systems and battery. On clients behalf, they develop complete systems from the study to the prototype with regard to mechanics, electronics, software.
digitalSTROM 2008
Finance, Insurance, IT or Data Analysis [ Electricity efficiency, Information technology ] Enabling technologies, Internet of Things, IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals, Lighting, Smarthome & building
digitalSTROM AG offers a Smart Home Technology for every home connecting all electronic systems for optimizing use. Its application is intuitive and easy to install, the technology communicates via the existing power lines and networks all electronic devices and well as broad-band devices.
dimpora AG 2019
[ Engineering, Functional clothes, Resource sufficiency, Sport, Waste & recycling ] Construction: Resource or material optimisation, Enabling technologies, Filters & Membranes, Material & Products based on biomass, New chemical materials, Waste recovery, recycling and re-use
We produce eco-friendly functional membranes for the outdoor textile industry. Our 2D products involve a conventional lamination of the dimpora membrane onto a textile. The waterproof fluorine-free membrane is mainly based on polyurethane and undergoes our template removal approach to create the necessary porosity, thus achieving an excellent breathability. We are also currently scaling up our first biodegradable membrane.
Distran 2013
Environment, sustainability & hazard prevention management [ Natural hazards & catastrophe prevention & protection, Resource efficiency ] Acoustic materials & technologies e.g. noise, vibration mitigation, Measuring & monitoring e.g. environemental data
Distran is a spin-off from the Autonomous System Lab, ETH Zurich, developing advanced acoustic sensors for industrial applications. Distran's goal is to reduce risks for industrial workers and the environmental impact of the industry through the use of sound sensing and technology.
dizmo 2013
[ Building technology, Construction of buildings, Information technology ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals, IT Software
Dizmo, The Interface of Things, is a software platform for fast integration and interactive use of data, services and processes. With dizmo as workspace, otherwise complex tasks of data management become simple and technology is rendered humanly intuitive. Gartner calls this new digitally connected world “Integration Platform as a Service” (iPaaS).
dokspot 2014
[ Information technology ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
Dokspot allows manufacturers to manage and distribute their product instructions online. Our platform provides instructions at the right time, for the right product, in the right language, and in the right version. We enable manufacturers to reduce their CO₂ footprint, simplify their operations, and increase their profit margins, all the while making life easier for the end-user.
drivemycar 2020
[ Mobility & Fleet management ] Fleet management
The innovative automated Swiss Vehicle Sharing Platform for P2P, B2B and B2C for private and companies.
EATbyalex 2018
[ Food production & retail, Healthcare, Recreation ] Low technology
We empower people to clean eating with weekly ready-to-eat meal plans. There is no need to plan, cook or shop, all our freshly prepared and balanced meals are delivered to you once a day. We only use organic and whole food ingredients.
eaternity 2014
Finance, Insurance, IT or Data Analysis [ Food production & retail ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
Eaternity has developed innovative software for private and professional use. It is based on an easy to understand and yearly reviewed live cycle analysis (LCA-database. This is currently the largest and most comprehensive database for carrying out environmental calculations for menus. With Eaternity, we offer everyone the opportunity to make a sustainable choice when selecting their everyday food.
Ecospeed 2002
Environment, sustainability & hazard prevention management [ Energy efficiency, Resource efficiency ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
ECOSPEED provides web-based software solutions and consulting services for the energy and climate accounting of public authorities, companies and private individuals. Since 2002 they develop Software programs for energy balance, energy efficiency, and energy use.
Edison 2019
[ Information technology ] IT network, Wind energy
Management and engineering consultancy, in particular in the area of project management, contract management, operational excellence, sales, patents, product certification, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, as well as research and development of new products and processes mainly in the power industry and in renewable and marine renewable energy industry.
ElectricFeel 2012
[ Information technology, Service pooling ] Communication, e-mobility, Enabling technologies, IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
The leading technology for your shared micromobility service ElectricFeel provides the most intelligent platform available to build, run and scale shared electric mobility systems in the urban habitat; ElectricFeel's Platform is a full solution for any shared electric mobility service (End-user Application, Management Software, Analytics Portal)
Embotech 2013
Energy production & distribution & storage (incl.tool production),Transport & Mobility [ Energy efficiency, Engineering ] Enabling technologies, IT Software, Sensors
Embotech is a leading developer of cutting-edge decision-making software. Our embeddable software empowers autonomous systems to make decisions by solving complex optimization problems in milliseconds, bringing significant improvements in safety, productivity and energy efficiency.
EnergyXploit 2018
[ Heating and cooling energy ] Cooling technology, Geothermal energy, Heating in buildings
EnergyXploit macht Ihre Gebäudefundation zur ökologischen und effizienten Energielösung. Ein weltweit einzigartiges Gesamtsystem kombiniert Fundierungspfähle mit innovativen Wärmetauschern und ermöglicht so das ölunabhängige wärmen und kühlen von Gebäuden. Qualitativ hochwertige Komponenten von renommierten Partner garantieren hohe Betriebssicherheit und geringe Unterhaltskosten. Wir entwickeln eine auf Ihre Liegenschaft zugeschnittene Lösung und begleiten Sie während des gesamten Bauprozesses mit unserer Erfahrung und Expertise. So bauen wir mit am Fundament für eine ökologische und wirtschaftliche Energie der Zukunft.
Entracers 2020
[ Environmental monitoring ] Measuring & monitoring e.g. environemental data
It's an Eawag-Spinoff that provides services with a focus on the consulting for gas monitoring/screening strategies as well as on the implementation of such strategies. Additionally, the company performs gas sampling in the field and conducts measurements within the frame of its own analytical capabilities. The services provided by Entracers GmbH are mainly (but not exclusively) addressed to private associations/companies and to research organizations.
enviBee 2019
[ Biodiversity and ecosystem protection, Environmental monitoring, Water Management ] IT data usage
The company develops software solutions for data analysis for mass spectrometric long-term monitoring of organic micropollutants in aquatic systems.
Essento 2015
[ Food production & retail ] Low technology
Essento is a company that specializes in edible insects. We develop, produce and market various specialities based on edible insects for the retail trade as well as the catering trade. Essento is a food-tech startup that provides the European and Swiss market with a locally produced, delicious and sustainable source of animal protein in the form of insects.
ethec 2017
Energy usage, efficiency & prosumption [ Energy efficiency, Road vehicles and transport ] e-mobility, e-motorbike, e-motorcycle, e-scooter
We are a team consisting of 10 students and 5 supervisors of ETH Zurich and ZHdK. As part of a focus-project, we are developing a prototype of an electric motorcycle with two-wheel drive. Our main goal is to have a driving range of 250 km using braking energy recuperation at both wheels and latest battery technologies.
EveryCook 2014
restructuring, on hold, no development
[ Electricity efficiency, Food production & retail ] Smart device
Production of a smart pan that cooks the meals in an easier and more energy efficient way. With the connection to your smartphone, tablet, PC or Mac, the EveryCook links up to our online recipe database, offering you an endless support of ideas for your meal.
exnaton 2020
Energy production & distribution & storage (incl.tool production) [ Information technology ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals, Photovoltaics
We drive the Energy Transition using Real-time Smart Meter Data
ExoLabs 2017
Energy usage, efficiency & prosumption [ Environmental monitoring ] IT blockchain or algorithms, Measuring & monitoring e.g. environemental data
Hydropower operators need accurate water inflow predictions to generate energy most profitably. In snowmelt dominated catchments (1/4 of the world’s hydropower), uncertain snowmelt quantities deteriorate inflow predictions resulting in overall losses of 7-10%, annually. Our solution to this problem includes data from multiple satellite constellations, ground station networks and numerical weather forecasts to derive real-time snow quantities as well as forecasts in a 20 m spatial resolution for entire mountain ranges. Using scalable cloud processing and innovative machine learning algorithms, we are capable to serve hydropower stations globally.
Fairpower 2013
Behavioural change,Energy usage, efficiency & prosumption,Environment, sustainability & hazard prevention management [ Electricity ] Enabling technologies, IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals, Renewable technologies
Fairpower is an independent electricity supplier and service provider with a focus on renewable energies.They provide an online platform for selling green certificates and the electricity label "Fair Power".
Fairwalter 2017
Finance, Insurance, IT or Data Analysis [ Building technology, Information technology ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
We are the platform for digital rental. Fairwalter is an innovative B2B2C platform that enables landlords, owners, tenants and service providers to work together smoothly. Our customers can more than double their productivity thanks to automated processes without media discontinuity, make better decisions based on data and have more satisfied employees and customers thanks to intuitive usability.
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