swiss environment & energy Swiss

New Energy Startup Map 2022

Christina Marchand

Discover 245 exciting young Swiss companies in the field of energy.

Swiss Energy Startup Map 2022

The transformation of the Swiss energy industry is no longer a vision of the future - we are right in the middle of it. The new "Swiss Energy Startup Map 2022" presents 245 young Swiss companies that are breaking new ground with their innovative services, products and business models. The map shows companies that were founded in the last 10 years. The companies are subdivided according to the areas of energy production & climate, storage, energy supply and consumption, grids, energy efficiency, transportation, mobility, and sustainable construction & buildings.

Compared to the Map 2020, the areas Building Technologies and Energy Production have changed. Many new building services have been identified in the last 2 years, which is why this area is now significantly larger in the map. Since more and more startups are explicitly dealing with the topic of climate crisis, the term Climate has been added to the Energy Production section and new startups were identified.

Publisher and information about the startups
The Swiss Energy Startup Map is the result of a collaboration between the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the ZHAW School of Management and Law and Swisspower Innovation.

You can download the Swiss Energy Startup Map as a PDF below or order it as a poster in A1 format for a small fee from Swisspower.

You are a Swiss Energy Startup and want to be on the next map: Participate and enter your startup data here (also the second page where you can provide your logo).


Energy Production & Climate These companies either manufacture the technology or use the technology to directly produce or transform energy, such as the production of PV panels or solar energy production. This considers both large and small scale, centralized and decentralized production. Also technologies that decarbonize energy production or use, such as CO2 absorption, reuse or storage can be found here. The focus is mainly on hardware producing companies, however many of those also provide software and services in their offer.

Energy Supply Services These companies provide services and software to manage the production and transformation of energy. This considers both large and small scale, centralized and decentralized production.

Storage & Grid Companies in this category focus on storage of energy (electricity or heat) or management of the electricity grid. Offers range from centralized or decentralized systems, from large (e.g. virtual storage network of heat pumps) to very small scale (e.g. mobile device rechargeable batteries). Grid software and supportive technologies help optimize new grid configurations or integrate renewables through modelled load balancing.

Energy Management & Use These companies provide software or services to facilitate the efficient management and use of energy (both electricity and heat) at the household, regional or industrial scales. This includes supporting well-integrated renewable energy sources, as well as the installation, planning, financing, billing and monitoring of self production-consumption (prosumption) systems. Additionally, this considers efficient end consumers behaviour and smart home technologies.

Energy Efficient Technologies These companies focus on efficient energy technologies for both electricity and heat with a focus mainly at the end of the supply chain. These companies often partner with energy providers or other large companies to access end consumers.

Building Technologies & Services These companies integrate energy (electricity, heat or insulation) solutions directly into buildings. Companies provide both technology-oriented products (e.g. more efficient cooling systems) and software (e.g. integrated heating, cooling, lighting management) solutions or services. This section excludes behavioural aspects of energy use in buildings (see Efficient Management & Use).

Transport Services These companies provide services or software related to transport and mobility (car, bike or airplane), including sharing platforms, fleet management, and low carbon logistics.

Transport Technologies These companies provide technology (hardware) related to transport and mobility (e.g. car, bike or drones), including charging station technology, vehicle production and transport materials.


Der Wandel der Schweizer Energiebranche ist keine Zukunftsvision mehr – wir befinden uns mittendrin. Die neue «Swiss Energy Startup Map 2022» stellt 245 Schweizer Jungunternehmen vor, die mit ihren innovativen Dienstleistungen, Produkten und Geschäftsmodellen neue Wege gehen. Auf der Karte sind Unternehmen abgebildet, die in den letzten 10 Jahre gegründet wurden. Unterteilt sind die Unternehmen nach den Bereichen Energieproduktion und -speicherung, Energieversorgung und -verbrauch, Netze, Energieeffizienz, Transport, Mobilität, sowie nachhaltiges Bauen.

Im Vergleich zur letzten Map 2020 wurden die Bereiche Building Technologies und Energy Production erweitert. Bei den Gebäuden konnten in den letzten 2 Jahren viele neue Building Services identifiziert werden, weswegen dieser Bereich nun in der Map deutlich grösser ist. Da immer mehr Startups sich explizite mit dem Thema Klima beschäftigen wurde der Bereich Energy Produktion um den Begriff Klima ergänzt.

Herausgeber und Informationen zu den Startups
Die Swiss Energy Startup Map ist das Ergebnis einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship der ZHAW School of Management and Law und Swisspower Innovation. Mehr über die dargestellten Startups und die Einteilung in die Bereiche erfahren Sie im Swiss Environment and Energy Innovation Monitor.

Ihr seid ein Energie Startup und wollt auf die nächste Ausgabe der Karte: Mach mit und gebe eure Daten hier ein (beachte auch die zweite Seite, wo das Logo hochgeladen werden kann).

Die Swiss Energy Startup Map können Sie als PDF herunterladen oder bei Swisspower als Poster in A1-Format kostenpflichtig bestellen.

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