swiss environment & energy Swiss

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This database includes high potential projects and companies in the environment and energy sectors based and working primarily in Switzerland, founded or active since 2000 and still operational. The maturity phase ranges from initial concept (formation or validation) up to those that are trying to capture a larger market space (growth and then established). Discover the companies by using the search filters. Sort the list by clicking on the arrows next to founding year, canton and phase. If your innovation is missing, please add your project here .

Company Name Founding year Canton Phase Areas of Activity [Subareas] Technology
duramon 2021

[ Construction of infrastructure (roads, bridges ..) ] Sensors
Structural health corrosion monitoring solutions. To build and maintain smarter, cost-effective, safer, and more sustainably. Our solution is an embeddable multifunctional sensors in selected representative locations in concrete structures.
eMobilityLab 2021
[ Road vehicles and transport ] e-car, e-mobility, e-vehicle charging
Advice and transfer of practical knowledge in the areas of electromobility and charging infrastructure
Enerphy Suisse 2022
[ Energy management solutions ] IT blockchain or algorithms, Smartcity, Smarthome & building
Installation of renewable energy, mainly solar systems. Service from initial consultation and design, to construction and maintenance.
Enlightware 2017
[ Games ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals, Video and Film
Empowering Humans at the Age of Artificial Intelligence. We pursue the mission to foster autonomy, creativity and collaboration skills of each individual through digital products. For more information, read our social impact description.
Epios 2021
[ Healthcare ] Sensors, Smart device, Wearable devices or apps
The Epios system comprises a series of thin leads incorporating sensing electrodes and a miniature implant, inserted beneath the skin. The neural signals are wirelessly transmitted to an external receiver held in place on the skin directly over the implant with a magnet, and from there are conveyed to a wearable data processor and are finally securely stored in the Epios Cloud.
Flatev 2012
[ Engineering, Food production & retail ] food tech, Robotic
Flatev describes itself as a Nespresso machine for flatbreads. The Flatev dough-pods are filled with nothing but natural, whole ingredients, made with the body and brain in mind.
Flowconverter Energy 2007
[ Electricity ] Hydro energy (small scale)
The company aims to develop, manufacture and operate innovative environmental technologies. The main produkt is the FLOWCONVERTER™, an innovative flow generator for the generation of electric current. The fields of application of FLOWCONVERTER™ are brooks, rivers, canals and ocean currents, where it can be installed without a negative impact on fish or the waters natural behaviour.
Flux Mobility 2021
[ Road vehicles and transport ] e-cargo, e-mobility
The start-up develops and builds high-quality e-transporters based on a modular platform concept.
Fountain 2023
[ Food production & retail, Waste & recycling ] food tech
Fountain created a zero-waste beverage vending machine. The drinks are made out of natural essences which the machine directly adds to tap water. The beverages can be personalized and poured directly into a reusable bottle or a glass.
Graphene filter carbon capture 2021
Climate technologies
Chemical engineers at EPFL have developed a graphene filter for carbon capture that surpasses the efficiency of commercial capture technologies, and can reduce the cost carbon capture substantially.
greenpick (Green Now) 2020
Behavioural change,Communication, Media, Education or Games,Construction & buildings [ Energy sufficiency, Trade and Retail ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
GreenPick is your sustainability compass. With GreenPick, you can find sustainable alternatives in your region in no time and get tips for your everyday life. GreenPick makes local change pioneers from over 50 areas of life visible in an instant, such as nutrition, living, circular economy, health or doing good.
Hängry 2022
[ Food production & retail, Waste & recycling ] Low technology
Ready to eat dishes from food waste, delivered to you.
Kohlenkraft 2023
Climate technologies & mitigation & CO2-reduction [ climate carbon removal ] Biomass based energy (biofuels, biogas ..), Carbon capture and storage, Construction: Resource or material optimisation
KohlenKraft develops, designs and produces climate positive building materials. Their plaster and insulation are made out of charcoal. The insulation stores carbon from the atmosphere and can be reused, recycled, landfilled or composted after its use.
Kyburz battery recycling 1991
[ Energy storage, Waste & recycling ] Battery, Waste recovery, recycling and re-use
The e-mobility pioneer KYBURZ is breaking new ground in battery recycling: The Zurich-based company has put an innovative in-house system into operation - the first of its kind in Switzerland. The recycling process developed in collaboration with Empa is environmentally friendly and offers potential beyond the company's own electric vehicle production lines. KYBURZ has deliberately not patented the process and makes the know-how available to all interested parties. The entire basic research and all process steps of the own recycling plant are made transparent.
LUUUP 2021
[ clothes ] Physical & chemical & nano technologies
LUUUP is a recycling company that uses a chemical process to dissolve cellulose-based fibres to generate feedstock for yarn production. It is working on improved circularity of textile waste to reduce its ecological impact
Esomoto Zürich (Gülbey) 2020
[ Road vehicles and transport ] e-motorbike, e-motorcycle, e-scooter
affordable electromobility and advice for everyone
Mycrobez 2019
Industrial process & manufacture (technology usefull for many areas) [ Farming & agriculture, Waste & recycling ] New chemical materials, Physical & chemical & nano technologies
MYCROBEZ is based on the insight that it is more efficient to change material instead of changing behavior patterns. In the face of increasing consumption and globalization, Mycrobez does not seek to stop throwaway culture culture, but works to make packaging products disposed of in nature packaging products disposed of in nature are fully degradable and sustainable. The vision, then, is to replace the status quo of petroleum-based packaging products such as Styrofoam in the marketplace and establish a new, circular material standard in the packaging and construction industries.
nematx 2020
[ Building technology ] 3D Printing
At NematX, we develop an industrial 3DP platform based on our proprietary «Nematic 3DP Technology». We are the pioneering company to make liquid crystal polymers available for AM. In combination with proprietary part design algorithms and high-precision 3DP hardware, we can offer the combination of part performance & manufacturing precision required for industrial production.
Neology Hydrogen 2017
[ Airplanes & transport, Electricity, Maritime and waterways transport, Road vehicles and transport ] Hydrogen technology and fuel cells, Storage other than batteries, Synthetic fuels (e.g. power to liquid)
Neology aims to bring an affordable and clean solution to the commercial transportation, by utilizing ammonia as the carbon-free energy vector.
Nutrai 2016
Food, Farming or Forestry [ Healthcare ] Smart device
We discover the how, when, & why of food consumption patterns that are affecting patients health
Oxyle 2020
[ Waste & recycling, Water Management ] Physical & chemical & nano technologies
Oxyle uses clean energy to degrade hazardous micropollutants from wastewater, such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, chemicals etc.
qCella 2023
[ Electricity efficiency ] Material & Products based on biomass
By impregnating natural fibers with copper qCella developped a more energy-efficient heating mats compared to commercially available heating wires. By having a proper electical resistance across the entire structure the heating mats heat homogenously and can be cut into any desired form. By eliminating the need for a heat-losing upholstering layer energy consumption can be reduced.
QuerDenkFabrik 2014
[ Energy Production ] Motor & actuator
Development and improvement of high-pole electric motors. The first prototyps are promising. Using the new Soft Magnetic Composite Material
RB2 Robotics 2017
We are a spin-off from the HEIG-VD Intelligent Data Analysis Laboratory based at the EPFL innovation park. We are developing state of the art deep learning models that enable robots to make smart and secure decisions only based on what they see just like humans do.
Retreeva 2021
New chemical materials
Retreeva's patented high-tech sponge selectively captures precious metals from industrial waste streams in trace concentrations and record time. Recycling these valuable resources in a green manner ultimately helps reducing carbon emissions, energy loss and dependence of industry on virgin mines, thus contributing towards a more responsible future. Ultimately, with its adsorbents, Retreeva aims to aid access to drinkable water in underdeveloped regions.
Solaxer 2021
Energy usage, efficiency & prosumption,Industrial process & manufacture (technology usefull for many areas) [ Energy efficiency, Energy Production, Heating and cooling energy ] Renewable technologies, Solarthermal energy
Solaxer helps industries cut reliance on fossil fuels by delivering a new method of heat harvesting. This next generation technology delivers solar receivers with high performance but with significantly reduced environmental impact and at lower cost.
somebodyelse 2021
Communication, Media, Education or Games [ Games ] Gamification
Somebodyelse creates embodied experiences in VR to help people to understand an issue in an immersive, educational and playful way to raise awareness and enable positive behavioural change. In 2015, the United Nations all agreed on 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which are part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. But social, cultural, and environmental problems still seem to be accumulating worldwide; sustainable cities and communities, access to health and therapy, or social wellbeing are still huge problems to tackle. People are still not sufficiently aware of the underlying problems, cannot understand, imagine, or relate to them, and therefore, will not change them either. Digital technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) allow a wide range of people to experience abstract content appealingly. And, today we know that people can better understand and emphasize through a self-made bodily experience.
Airfix 2022
[ climate carbon removal ] IT-platforms or networking solutions, e.g. portals
Building a Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage market. Airfix, a new subsidiary of South Pole, combines decades of climate finance and carbon project development expertise with a vision for a scalable Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage market in Switzerland and beyond.
SUIND 2020
[ Information technology, Mobility & Fleet management ] Drone & flight, Internet of Things
Enabling drone companies to unlock the full potential of drones by providing them with state of the art safety solution.
Swistor 2022
[ Energy storage ] Battery
Swistor develops the next generation of energy storage device for a clean, sustainable future. The Lithium and Cobalt free solution enables charging our devices ultra fast, extends the lifetime 30 times and is environmentally friendly and safe.
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